Islamic Wedding Card Features: Some Distinct Features To Grace The Card!

Islamic Wedding Card Features

Islamic Wedding Card Features | images.

Getting a beautiful wedding card is just a mouse click away. Today you have many sites selling wedding invites and you can go through them and choose a site which has best collections. Islamic wedding cards are also known as nikaah or shaadi cards and you will find a great variety in them. You can select from traditional, contemporary, creative and artistic cards. You will even come across amazing collections in budget wedding cards.

Islamic Wedding Card Features: Use Of Religious Symbols

Most hosts prefer to have traditional wedding invites for their weddings. They believe that traditional cards are elegant and these cards are preferred even though you will find theme and designer cards trending. Islamic wedding card features are very different from the cards of other communities. You will find some traditional designs and patterns used in the cards. There are many designs and you can choose your favourite ones.

You will find religious symbols used in Muslim wedding invites. Images of mosques, Bismillah and the crescent moon and the stars are used in the cards. You will also find quotes from the holy Quran used in the cards. Hosts can use any one or two images for the cards and the placement of the images is also important. Verses from the holy Quran is placed at the top of the card and this is done to invoke the blessings of the Almighty for the onward journey.

Choose High Quality Paper

When you use these religious symbols, you will feel connected with your culture and it is mandatory to use these in your Islamic wedding cards. The other important feature is hosts prefer to have quality wedding invites for their Muslim wedding cards. They choose high quality cards as marriage cards are considered sacred. The institution of marriage is given a lot of importance by the holy Quran and so hosts would love to spend on wedding cards.

Islamic Marriage Invite Features: Types Of Cards

You can choose from scroll cards, laser cut cards, boxed cards, cards with gifts, cards in bags, square cards, object shaped cards, etc. Floral designs, self-embossed designs, community specific designs are seen in the cards. You will find Islamic marriage invite features are striking and they make the card graceful. Geometric patterns are seen in the cards and these make the card very attractive. Colours definitely contribute to the beauty of the cards and when you choose colours with care you card will look good.

So, a beautiful card is the result of your efforts and selection.