Go Through Indian Wedding Invitation Wording Samples To Get Some Idea

Indian Wedding Invitation Wording

Indian Wedding Invitation Wording | Image Resource : cdn2.thebridalbox.com

While selecting a card for Indian wedding you need to very particular about the traditional and cultural requirements. If you are unsure about the subtleties of wording in your religion, caste, language or region, you need to go through Indian Wedding Invitation Wording Samples. These samples would give you an idea about how to begin the invitation and the wordings to be used in it. This is a very important step of selecting a wedding invitation card.

How Indian Wedding Invitation Wording Samples can help

Whether you are a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian, a Sikh or a Jain, there is a religious hymn, verse, line or symbol that is particular to your religion. So, if you are not sure about the particular wordings that must be placed at the beginning and end of the invitation, you need to go through Indian Wedding Invitation Wording Samples. There are various samples available here and they will give you a very good idea of how to present your wedding invitation card.

Samples Of Indian Wedding Cards Are Available Aplenty

Samples are preserved in order to help customers choose the wordings and design for their invitation card. There are various designs available in the samples of Indian wedding cards here. You can choose particular wordings, verses, hymns, symbols, writings etc and also decorate it with various designs. You can also go for various fonts for making the invitation cards more attractive. There can also be floral and other decorations to make them more attractive.

Wedding in India considered to be the reinforcement of a celestial bond between two souls. In fact, all the rituals and celebrations revolve around this concept. It is natural that the samples of Indian wedding cards must insert words, phrases, verses, hymns etc that invoke the feeling of this celestial bond and celebrate it. There are different wordings, phrases and writings to mark and celebrate this occasion in different languages, cultures, castes and places.

Despite all the diversity in terms of culture, language, tradition, caste, profession, place, religion and more, Indians have a common social outlook. Most of them view marriage as a solemn occasion where the celestial bond between two souls is reinforced and celebrated. This is true across India, be it in Punjab, Bengal, Odisha, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kerala or any other place.

Moreover, the system of inviting guests separately by the bride’s family and the groom’s family on different dates is also prevalent in most parts of India. So, the wordings also depend on whether you are from the bride’s family or the groom’s family. Usually, the groom’s family invites their own relatives and neighbors as well as the relatives and neighbors of the bride’s family after the wedding ceremony is over. It is fair to say that in most cases the food on both the bride’s family party and the groom’s family party is elaborate and sumptuous. Needless to say the invitation must be worded in such a way that it requests the presence of guests in the dinner or lunch hosted on the occasion of the wedding ceremony.